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Introduction to Data Analytics in Google Cloud

Introduction to Data Analytics in Google Cloud

18 Stunden Einsteiger universal_currency_alt 2 Guthabenpunkte

This is the first of five courses in the Google Cloud Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll define the field of cloud data analysis and describe roles and responsibilities of a cloud data analyst as they relate to data acquisition, storage, processing, and visualization. You’ll explore the architecture of Google Cloud-based tools, like BigQuery and Cloud Storage, and how they are used to effectively structure, present, and report data.

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Skill-Logo für Introduction to Data Analytics in Google Cloud
  • Define data analytics as it applies to cloud computing.
  • Explain the benefits of cloud computing.
  • Identify common tools used by entry-level cloud data analysts.
  • Identify common tools used by entry-level cloud data analysts.
Verfügbare Sprachen
English, español (Latinoamérica) und português (Brasil)